Burbank, CA – With the success of shows like The Mandalorian, The Book of Boba Fett and Obi-Wan Kenobi, Disney+ has realized that fans will watch anything Star Wars related. The streaming service has announced a slate of upcoming shows based on lesser known Star Wars characters:
Piggy Porkins – This new sitcom centers around Jek Tono Porkins, or as fans know him, “that fat Rebel pilot from A New Hope.” The show takes us to Piggy’s childhood as he gets fat-shamed and struggles with his sexuality at Rebel Alliance Middle School. Tune in to see a 13-year old Jek get rejected to prom, attempt to do a sit-up and get an F in Destroying Death-Stars 101.
Catfish: You Just Got Ackbar’d! – Next spring, Admiral Ackbar replaces the current host of the hit TV show, Catfish. Audiences can tune in to hear him yell, “IT’S A TRAP!” multiple times a week and occasionally yell, “IT’S THE CLAP!”
Mad About Admiral Motti – We all remember the dude that Darth Vader threatened, “I find your lack of faith disturbing”. In this sitcom we find out exactly why the Admiral has such a lack of faith when we spend time in his home and learn that his wife is a real battle-axe.
The Tonight Show Starring Salacious B. Crumb – Salacious is probably best known for ruining any important moment in Star Wars with an awkward, scene breaking, annoying laugh… And that’s exactly why he’s the perfect successor to take over Jimmy Fallon at The Tonight Show.
Keeping Up with the Gonk-Droids – GNK’s or Gonk Droids are little more than walking trash cans. Which means they’ll fit in perfectly with the Kardashian family in this hilariously, sexy reality show that takes place at the Mos Eisley Cantina.
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