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G7 Summit Embarrassment: Joe Biden Asks Italian Prime Minister For More Bread

Cornwall, UK – In yet another incredible gaff U.S. President Joe Biden was overhead asking the Italian Prime Minister, Mario Draghi, for “more breadsticks” during the G7 Summit meeting held in England. Biden was wearing a bib and waving a half-eaten basket of bread during the outburst. What’s confusing is this was during a heated discussion on Covid-19 where no food was being served.

“I was told these breadsticks were unlimited!” An irate Biden yelled before ordering Draghi to “Get back to the kitchen and say hi to your brother Luigi for me!”

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson watched with disbelief as Biden continued, “When you’re here, you’re family! C’mon man! It’s that slogan thing. You know! From the restaurant…uh…”

“Olive Garden?” PM Johnson answered. “No, Chili’s! C’mon man!” Biden retorted.

The meeting pressed on as Biden mumbled, “tell the Indian fella there’s too much spice in this curry.” The curry Biden was referring to was iced tea and the Indian fella was Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

UPDATE: It is still unclear where Biden got his original basket of breadsticks from.

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